Friday, February 27, 2009

cUlmination Day( commUnity Duty)

This culmination day would not be accomplished without the help of the important persons. And the activities would not be accomplished without the cooperation of the people living there. Thanks for the families for sharing us their present situation.We teach health teaching in our simple way and encourage them to apply in their daily life. Their problems present to the resident trigger our group to choose families that need to be assisted. That is why we, nursing students in this situation shared some tips on how to keep their life free from any harmful threats. We enjoy teach children how the proper way toothbrush their teeth and also proper hygiene and hand washing. Smile in their face relieved our stress. Mothers are happy for us and always thank us for being in their community. It is so much fun that I experienced at that day.Taking good care children are not easily, coz thier doing vigorous activity but u can easily adopt it. In this experience, we had opened our hearts and minds to the reality that not all people are blessed with enough blessings in life.

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