Friday, March 20, 2009


We wanted to fulfill a dream..A dream with a happy endIng..Who wouldn"t want a lyf with a happy enDing lIke we read and hear in a faIrytale bOoks..thaT wRitten "tHey lIved happIly ever afTER".,Happiness is a choice ..We seek happiness practically every day of our lives..And You have to make it, that you are the one whO will create it..Finding tRue haPpiness is yOur personal jOUrney..You have to be true to yourself and what will make you happy. It is depends on your expectations of life during ones journey which is the good and bad and balance it...AS what Marcus Aurelius said, "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature."

Always be happy positivity always outweighs negativity!..The more we feel loved and the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own hapPiness. Do not make the mistake of living your life unto others expectations of thier happiness or you will never fully fulfill your own..Abd dOn't worries about what others might think,Whatever they think, it is their opinion and It's not permanent. Keep in mind those opinions change all the time. Always thInk that happy feelings are results of happy thoughts..Learn to forgive and forget..sO that yOu will feel better and haPpy...♥♥♥

As a qoUte said that "Our lives are bOoks and each day is a page..WE cant erase what had already been written..But we can always try a better ending"

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