Monday, March 2, 2009

vacation08 wIth my hysKul fRiends (JASMINIANS 0'6)

December 22,2008.
I decided to spent my holidays with my family and friends. So I went hOme in my beloved hOmetown the MALaBang, Lanao dEl SuR..It's a far away placed fRom davwo..peOples there are mostly mUslims but there also a christian. It's a quite peaceful place..fUll of mysteries,,jeheheje..Im just kidding.. When I came home I observed big changes at our place.
During I stayed there..I quite sometime getting touch with my highschool classmates and friends. We went one of the beaches in our places..We take swimming and got fun there..

December 23,2008

Lorenzo beach

A clean,beautiful, and peaceful beach.We went swimming, laughing, playing at the sea and taking pictures.

A ranch nearby at the beach.
Were playing at the sand.

Taking some pose late afternoon.
My fRiends.
I want to be alone, far from my friends.

After care.

December 25,2008

Ramitan beach

It is also a clean, beautiful beach.There is a cottages. During we came in this beach it is low tide.. At the back of this beach is there is a white sand Island. My friends...(layyah,anIra,me and Opie)
Taking some rest..

Over the bRanch..It is low tide..

It is been a long time sInce I did not see mw old frIends..A bonding mOments with them is one of my happiness...a memories that cannot fade away..and always reminds me with them..Guysszz Im so maUulit..kIta kitz pa rin tau sa vacation...tXt txt pa rIn...gOodluck to us..LoL♥☺♥☺♥

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